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Why Cycle?


"I like to ride my bicycle, I like to ride my bike!"
- Freddy Mercury

Why do I cycle? Why do we do anything?

Long distance cycle touring gives me a sense of fulfillment that nothing else does. There is something about it, a rhythm, a oneness between mind, body, machine and environment that gives me complete peace of mind and satisfaction. It is simple, uncomplicated and completely under my control. It requires work, planning and concentration, yet it is relaxing to the point of feeling effortless. It invokes a thorough understanding, appreciation and synchronization with the environment. It provides a pace, routine and discipline to daily life, while allowing complete freedom to adapt to new circumstances. As a traveller, it is fast enough to cover enormous distances in a relatively short time frame if desired, while slow enough to completely immerse oneself in the culture, people and environment of a country.

It is also the cleanest, most efficient land transport the human race has invented. It is cheap, easy to maintain, safe, healthy, quiet...cycle touring beats working...I rest my case!

And if you're still not convinced, just picture this:

You are sitting beside a small campfire, watching a sunset-red sky slowly darken over a glassy lake, birds swooping down to take fish from the water. The moon is beginning to appear through the treetops above and your body and limbs are purring with delight after a day in the saddle. As your mind lingers back over the sights, sounds and smells of the day, you glow with an immense satisfaction, knowing that you got there of your own steam...

...yes, and sometimes it rains...
